Friday, January 24, 2014

Nine things I want to do in Africa

Everyone has a wish list of place and things they would like to do.  I have always had a couple places in Africa that I wanted to visit.  Parts of Africa have always been on my list of places to visit.  Now I am going to get the chance to do more than just take a two week vacation to Africa.  I am going to be a short flight from some of the most amazing places, animals, and locations.

1. Tour Egypt 

Source: Puzzle Puzzle
Egypt is perhaps the one place in the world I want to visit the most.  I have been fascinated by Egyptian history.  From the engineering marvels of the Great Pyramids to the fascinating treasures found in the Valley of the kings, all of parts of the Egyptian civilization are fascinating to me.   I want to ride a camel out to the pyramids, visit the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, tour the Valley of the Kings, and go SCUBA diving in the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

2. Visit Mosi-oa-Tunya aka Victoria Falls

Source: Wikipedia
Victoria Falls is on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.  It is believed that the famed explorer Dr. David Livingston was the first European to view the falls.  The falls are said to be "the smoke that thunders" which is what Mosi-oa-Tunya means. Victoria Falls is the world largest water despite not being the tallest or widest, but it has the largest area of falling water.

3. Watch the Great Migration over the Serengeti 

Source: Wikipedia
Every year, a massive migration of over million zebra, wildebeest and other Serengeti species occurs in Kenya and Tanzania.  This is the largest animal migration in the world.  I want to see the wonder of this phenomenon and see this amazing site.

4. Gorilla Trekking 

Source: Sanctuary Retreats
The only way to see gorilla in there natural habitat is to take a trek though the Africa forest to find a family group.  I want to see both the Mountain and Lowland Gorillas.  There are several places where Mountain Gorrilas can be found Democratic Republic of Congo (currently in the middle of a civil war), Rwanda, Ugnada.  Lowland's can be found in Angola, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, Republic of Congo. A trip to mainland EG is in my future.

5. Go White Water Rafting on the Zambezi River

Source: Outside
The Zambezi river is one of the best rivers in the world for whitewater rafting.  Its a 15 mile section of river below Victoria Falls with 23 rapids. It is know for the technically difficult rapids, big drops, and massive holes.

6. Watch the Sardine Run in Southern Africa

Source: Dive Photo Guide
Every year from May to July, million of sardines form shoals (that nasty little fish that comes in a can and you wonder who actually eats) that move north along the coast of South Africa.  The sardine run is so large that it can be seen on satellites.  This concentration of sardines attack large quantities of predators including sharks, dolphins, seals, and birds.

7. Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro 

Source: Wikipedia
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania  is the tallest mountain in Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. Kilimanjaro is 19,341 feet tall and is part of the Seven Summits and Volcanic Seven Summit climbing challenges.

8. Cage Dive with a Great White Shark

Yes, I want to dive with the most feared predator of the sea, abet inside a cage.  I might be crazy but I have seen Jaws and Shark Week.  I can't wait to see this amazing creature.

9. Cross the Equator in a Ship

Source: Wikipedia
I am not exactly sure why I want to this, but I do know I want to.  Since air travel became common few people cross the equator via ship, so I think it would be fun to get to.


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